Tuesday, 24 January 2012

100 words: Writer's block

I've been sitting here, staring at the blank page for hours. Well, to be honest, I didn't stare at the blank page all the time; I've been tweeting and reading random articles on Wikipedia, searching for ideas.

It didn't help, obviously, since I'm writing a pointless post, and nothing's more pointless than writing about a writer’s block. But here I am, trying to write a 100 word blog post about a thing I really hate.

I hate having a writer’s block and I hate being uninspired. But at least I’m still writing and I didn’t give up; that counts, right?

Photo taken from here.


  1. Looks like the block's been budged. :)

    Good luck in getting the words to flow. I hate it when it happens to me.

  2. Nice post. A topic close to my heart :)

    1. Thanks for commenting Dicky, I do hope you don't have writer's block to often.

  3. Great post!
    This is how it all starts, just start saying nothing and pretty soon you're say something.

  4. Oh how I would love to have a typewriter again and yes I know that is not what the post is about but the picture of a typewriter makes me miss the one I use to have..........I think everyone gets writers block at some point.....

    1. I never had a typewriter but I would love to have one too.

  5. Writer's block can be painful; I once had a four-year long affliction of it. At least you squeezed out your 100 words. Luck on writing more.

    1. Really, you didn't write for four years? I'm glad you're writing now, I love your stories.

  6. It absolutely does! Well done you! A very good post when you have writers block, I must say!

  7. Ugh. I feel so bad for you. I hate writer's block. You know you have beautiful things to say, you just don't know what they are! (grumble, grumble)

  8. I know the feeling - even if you have to write about not being able to write :)

    1. Thank you for your comment Joe, I'm glad you understand.

  9. You've got a lot on your plate at the moment so try not to worry. It can be so frustrating when you want to write but can't but perhaps looking back over the blog posts you have already written might help. There is a lot of creativity there. x

    1. Thans Abbey, I'm glad you understand and support me, it means a lot to me. *hugs*

  10. I hear you. it happens on occasion...don't worry. it'll come back!! your inspiration i mean.

  11. Glad to see a new post up. You have a lot on your plate right now so don't stress about writing.

    1. Barbara, thanks for being supportive and kind, I really appreciate it. *hugs*

  12. Sometimes writing is inspired, and sometimes it's work. Either way, when you go back and look weeks later, you often can't tell the two apart.

    :-) Keep at it!

    Greetings from Minneapolis,


  13. I hate that feeling!! I just had to hand in 3 essays, so I know it well! In the end you came up with a post that we can all relate to though, so great result!


  14. Good morning Starlight. Thanks for your comments. When I was very young I used to be amazed at all the stories and the knowledge older people than me had. I longed for it. Now that I am older, I understand why. It was simple. The more of life's experiences you have, the more stuff you have to write about. I often encourage the young to interact with older people.You will overcome this writers block soon.- K

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